Thursday, March 29, 2007

Update with Photos

Hello everyone,

Sorry for the delay in posting recently...seems like we're all back to normal (or close) after our bouts with the Colds & Flu. Kyle & I had it bad, and Lisa got the bug about a week after us.

Kyle continues to make progress. He really enjoys his Goddard School experience and has made a lot of new friends. Since it's warmer now, he goes with us on our after-dinner walks with Murphy. He enjoys being outside - that's good because that's all we'll be doimng this summer!

Tomorrow is a momentous day - Kyle will be 18 months old! (And it's Lisa's Birthday!)

It's hard to believe that it's already been 3 months since we were blessed with Kyle. Every day's a gift and he melts your heart every time he smiles.

New Idea - If you want to send me an e-mail at, I'll add you to a notification list for updates to this blog. That way you'll know when fresh material is posted.

We've been continuing to add to our Kyle album, here are a few new ones - ENJOY!!

St. Patrick's Day Post-Parade Party

Kyle, Spiderman & Dad - WalMart Spidey Picture Day

Kyle eating/wearing Dinner

Kyle and his cousin Sean Andrew

That's it for now...

Don't forget about sending us an e-mail.


Friday, March 9, 2007

Thank Goodness THAT Week's Over...!

Sorry for the lack of new stuff...we've been down & out for almost the entire week.

Kyle was at the Doctor's on Monday and Wednesday trying to shake a nasty virus and touch of ear infection; while I (Dad) was knocked out with the Flu/Virus of my own.

We finally seem to be coming out of the woods. Kyle's made a turn for the better today, and is showing an appetite for the first time this week. He's much more active today and much less fussy, as well.

Through it all, Mom's been doing her best to take care of us...not as easy as it sounds!

Thanks to Aunt Meg & Aunt Rita for all their advice and counsel in talking us in off the ledge.
Kyle's our first and so we're still very new at what to expect, while they've already seen it all - twice.

I hope to post more news and photos next week after what seems will be a nice weekend.

Thanks for following along.
Good evening.