Thursday, September 30, 2010

Happy Birthday!!! Kyle Turns 5 Years Old Today

Today is Kyle's 5th Birthday!  It's been very long time since we last posted here, but thought we'd revisit...

Since then, Dylan's joined our family and we're a few days away from leaving for China to bring home our daughter Ashley home.

Kyle had a GREAT DAY today. It's truly unbelievable to look back at the first few posts from this story and then look at today.  I'm sure every parent goes through this, but it's almost indescribable to explain if you're not one.

He's really thriving at home with Dylan and at Goddard School.  His personality is really taking shape and he's growing up.

Kyle shared gift bags and cupcakes (Thanks Mom!) with his classmates at lunch today.  I had the opportunity to visit him on my lunch break today and saw how he interacted with everyone.  It was a unique window that I had a chance to peek through.  He made absolutely sure that we went to get Dylan from his classroom before anything got started so that Dylan could participate.

It was an exceptionally good day - one I'll never forget.  We cannot believe he's 5.
And it all happened in the blink of an eye.

I'll leave it at that.