Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday Kyle!!

Hi All, Dad Checking in...

Kyle turns SEVEN (7) years old today.

Happy Birthday!!
He is celebrating by putting together a pretty complicated LEGO set that he got as a gift.

Grandma and Poppa are visiting from Grand Rapids and we're enjoying a full "birthday weekend."  We had a small ice cream cake last night after dinner and we sang "Happy Birthday".

Kyle is doing really well and is enjoying 1st Grade - he would go 7 days a week if he could!  He like almost all of his school subjects and seems to excel at Math.

It's hard to believe how the time has melted away - Lisa and I were joking the other day that it was a few weeks after he came home with us until he could even scoot along the floor on his little bottom.  Now he's got tons of strength and confidence, is a great swimmer, has already outgrown his bike, and loves to visit any playground we see.

Here are a few more recent photos...

Walking with Ashley at the Fishing Pier at Seal Beach, CA, during our recent trip to California...

Riding a giant tortoise at the San Diego Zoo...

And Kyle, Mom & Dylan riding the Matterhorn (Very unexpected development, since Kyle is NOT a rollercoaster kid - the Matterhorn is somewhat mild, though and Kyle really loved it.  The most important thing at Disneyland was to "ride the Matterhorn at night".)

Here's to Birthday #7 - We hope you have a great day.

For any visitors,
Please bounce over to our Facebook page for more stories & pictures.

Happy Birthday, Kyle.
We Love You.
Mom & Dad