Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy 6 Years as a Lockhead! Forever Family Day!

Hi again,

Dad here again, and again from Grand Rapids, our home away from home during the Christmas Holidays.  Thanks to Gramma and Poppa Wedder and Uncle Mark and Aunt Avery for their hospitality.

Hard to believe that it's been SIX years...and that's it already Christmas again.  Merry Christmas to all of the Lockheads/Careys wherever you might be this evening.

We arrived on Saturday afternoon, and we'll stay for a week or so.  (Hopefully we'll see some snow this week...we have been very unlucky during the last two trips.  No snow on the ground when we arrive and none while we were here.  Darn global warming...maybe Al Gore's onto something?  Naahhh.  Maybe snow will get here on Thursday?

I just wanted to do a "drive-by" post to commemorate this day.  Christmas Eve will never be the same.

Kyle is doing great - safely asleep with his brother and sister - awaiting SC's visit.  Shortly before we herded everyone upstairs, we check on the Big Man's progress - and yes, "there's an APP for that".  It appeared that he was taking care of Portugal and Spain.

He's halfway through 1st Grade and he loves to learn - he's inquisitive and he's developed exceptional math skills.  He's really starting to accelerate his with his reading skills, as well.  He and Dylan love bike riding whether around the neighborhood or at local parks on the trails.  He's a very caring big brother and he really looks after Ashley and Dylan. That is fun to see.  He's also making a lot of friends at school and exploring more of the things that are interesting him.

He got his first chance to ride the school bus home from school last Friday! (Our schedules unfortunately don't permit this very often.)  Mom waited patiently for the Bus to stop and for Kyle to hop off - IT DID...BUT HE DIDN'T!!  It turns out he missed his stop - luckily the driver knows the route, the neighborhood, and the kids really well - he made second pass and Kyle finally made it off!!  Very funny - Mom didn't seem amused...?

It's been a great week so far.  We went to the movies to see Monsters Inc (3D) with UM, AA, and cousin Luke and Logan.  (Ashley passed out in about 25 minutes - a much better result that the last three times!)  We spent a few moments today with Gramma and Poppa also - showing them the kids' adoption videos and the musical collages we put together for them.  That was fun to do - they are all having a lot more to say about their experiences in China - mostly Dylan, since he had the longest and strongest ties.

Again, as the end of the night approaches, Merry Christmas to the families with whom we traveled to China to meet Kyle.

Just for the record, I have the Charlie Brown / Vince Guaraldi album playing in the background as I type - I make sure to try to listen at least for a few moments every Christmas Eve.

Thanks for checking in and...Happy Gotcha Day, Kyle.

Here are a few recent photos - be sure to check Facebook as well.

Good night and a Merry Christmas to all.