Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Here we are...

As of today, we seem to be in good shape. We've spread the GREAT news to our families and right now we're trying to make our way through the list of our close friends. All of our paperwork is in order, and our Visa applications are in motion.

At home, we've started the "Kountdown to Kyle" and we've been prepping his room as well. (I wanted to stand in line for his PS3, but Lisa didn't think this was necessary just yet!)

We hopefully expect to travel shortly after the first of the year!!

To all of the people who've helped us in any way, we thank you and wish you Happy Thanksgiving.

More later...


The Careys said...

Some of us Carey's don't know how to blog. So this is just a test!!

The Careys said...

We look forward to following the happenings...HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL and to all a good night.