Thursday, November 30, 2006

Up one Day...Down the Next... Today would be a Down.

Hi all - tough afternoon.

As of this week, were are awaiting our Travel Authorization (TA). Last week we submitted our acceptance of Kyle's referral, and this essentially requested authorization to travel to China to bring him home. This TA serves as our permission slip/invitation to get him.

Earlier today we got a call from Great Wall (our agency)
. We were very disappointed to hear that our TA was NOT one of the 57 or so that were received today. We are apparently one of only 11 families that did not hear the good news that we'd soon be on the road.

57 TA Approvals were Received, 11 Were Not. We're in the NOT club.

Good news for the lucky 57 - it looks like the families approved will be traveling very soon. They will most likely have their children by Christmas, and be back in the States by the New Year.

This was a difficult message to hear.

However, if this process teaches us anything it's that we should not get too carried away by the UPS, and we should not let the DOWNS get us too...well...Down.

Tomorrow is another day. The sun will probably come up again, the earth will keep spinning. And God willing we'll both wake up to see the new day. We'll likely putter around a little over the weekend, feel sorry that we've not been blessed with good news, but feel happy for the 57 families that have.

The good news is that we'll probably still be travelling in the first part of January. That's the news that we'll hang on to until we hear more.

We'll keep our heads up, in anticipation of Kyle's arrival. It's what we do.

More news as it develops...

Good night for now.

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